How to Use CVS Repository on cafed server

Table of Contents

Giulio Bottazzi
16 May 2014


In the past years I found myself, repeatedly, in the need of explaining how to use the CVS repository on our server. Since this kind of information has taken, with the passing of time, the character of an oral tradition, I thought that it was a valuable effort to remove this information from the domain of the tacit knowledge and start, at least to some extent, to codify it. The instructions that follow are the result of this effort. Notice that they are both a very short introduction to the CVS suit of programs and to the "standard" followed by our group in structuring and managing collaborative projects. These instructions, however, only represent vague and incomplete guidelines. In any case, you are strongly advised both to consult some CVS guide in the Net and to discuss the details of the implementation of a new project with your coauthors.

What does a project contain

The essential idea guiding the management of a project via CVS (or any other collaboration system) is that the project contains all and only the SOURCE FILES which are needed to derive the final objects. This essentially means two things:

  • any file that can be derived by some other file should NOT be INCLUDED in the repository
  • any file which is needed to derive the final components of the project should be INCLUDED in the repository

For instance, for a standard paper you typically

  • include the latex file project.tex and possibly a project.bib but omit any .dvi, .ps or .pdf file
  • if pictures are included in the document, for instance generated by gnuplot, you include a gnuplot script file plots.gp from which the plots can be generated using the command

    gnuplot plots.gp

    but omit any .eps, .pdf or .gif file that derives from the execution of the previous program

  • if data are necessary to produce pictures or tables, include them in the repository. In this case it is useful to insert a README file that describes the source of these data. Also document the manipulations and transformations the data went through in order to reach their present status
  • if programs or scripts are necessary to manipulate data in order to obtain plots or tables, insert the source code of these programs/scripts and detail their use and purposes in the README file
  • if the same data are required in different formats, maybe because of the use of different software package, include if possible the data in a single format together with the scripts necessary to obtain other formats. Explain how to use these scripts in the README file.
  • it's a good idea to have a ChangeLog file in which major modifications are recorded. This serves as the "memory" of the project and to track the inclusion (or exclusions) of files in the repository. Note that in X/Emacs a ChangeLOg file is simply created and updated using the command 'Alt-X add-change-log-entry'.

The whole point of this approach can be summarized in this idea: every participant to the project MUST be able to reproduce and modify any part of the project at any level. Any particular help by the original author of that particular part should not be necessary. In other terms, in any moment, one MUST be able to restart the project by the very beginning.

Starting a new project

First of all, in order to operate on a remote CVS repository you have to specify in your commands what repository to use. You can do it in two ways. You can set the CVSROOT environment variable using

export CVSROOT=user@machinename:repopath

where user is an user with access to the repository, machinename is the name of the server and repopath is the position of the repository in the directories tree. In this way any following cvs command will use that repository. Alternatively, you can avoid setting a variable by adding the option

-d user@machinename:repopath

at each invocation of the cvs command.

At this point you need to create a new directory

mkdir newdir

move all the necessary files in that directory and, if needed, create and fill subdirectories. Then move inside the root directory of the project

cd newdir

and issue the initial importing command

cvs import -m "Imported sources" newdir AAA aaa

or if the CVSROOT variable was not set

cvs  -d user@machinename:repopath import -m "Imported sources" newdir AAA aaa

where 'AAA' is a vendor tag, and 'aaa' is a release tag. In this way the name of the project will be newdir. The vendor and release tag are labels used to mark the progress of the project. Initially you can set the vendor tag to some name related to the project and the release tag to 'initial' or just '1'. Always add a short description of the operation you are performing with the option -m or the cvs program will ask for one, automatically starting an editor for you.

Working on a project

In order to retrieve the last version of a project use

cvs checkout projname

or if you did not specify a CVSROOT variable

cvs -d user@machinename:repopath checkout projname

In this way a new directory named projname will be created and filled with all the necessary files. You can then start editing or modifying the files. If you need to add a new file, first create it locally and then use

cvs add filename

The 'add' command can also be used to add sub-directories to the project.

To remove a file, first remove the local copy and then use

cvs delete filename

All the modifications, the addition and the removal of files will not be performed until you issue a commit command like this

cvs commit -m "short description string"

Handling directories removal is slightly different. First, it is necessary to remove all the files in it and leave it empty. Then use

cvs update -P

The option -P automatically removes empty directories.

Before committing your modifications, always remember to check that they are consistent. If you are modifying programs, check that they can be compiled and run as expected. If you are modifying a document, run the spell checker and remove typos. In general there is no need to commit changes in the middle of a modification. Just do it at the end of your work. Also, before committing, remember to write down you modification in the ChangeLog file (with a date and the name of the author) and modify, if needed, the README file (see next section).

Later if you need to work again on the project you do not need to check it out entirely. Just move in the project's directory and do

cvs update

Before starting to work on a project it is always a good idea do give an update command. Just in case somebody else did modify something.

The command CVS has a lot of different options so I suggest to check its man page

man cvs

One thing which can be useful is the possibility of inspecting the differences between the local version and the version in the repository. The command

cvs diff

compare all the files. If you want to restrict the comparison to some specific file just add the name after diff

cvs diff name_of_file

The structure of the project

In general, given the difficulties in managing subdirectories in CVS, it is always better to keep their number to a minimum.

A simple project, be it a document or a program, should be contained in one single root directory. Two files must always be present, namely README and ChangeLog.

The file README contains a description of the project. It can be as simple as a list of command to issue in order to have the project properly set up, or as complicated as a reference manual. In any case this description should be clear and maintained up to date with the project itself.

The file ChangeLog keeps track of all modifications. Each time a file of the project is modified, the name of the file, the date of modification and the name of the person who modified it should be recorded. If you use (X)emacs, you can simply record modifications in the change log with the command 'Alt-X add-change-log-entry'.

If the project needs figures and plots, it is a good idea to store them in a specific sub-directory, appropriately named. When possible, it is better if these figures are generated from scratch using some scripts. If the program is gnuplot, then put all the necessary commands in the file plots.gp so that the figures are generated with

gnuplot plots.gp

For more complex projects, the directory structure depends on the project itself. In the case of documents, for instance LaTeX documents, the root or main directory could contain two subdirectories: one named data and one figures.


     /--->figures  figures, fig files
main               TeX files, scripts
     \--->data     empirical data, simulations results

The source code of the document, for instance the LaTeX .tex and .bib files, together with all the scripts and necessary programs reside in the main directory. The directory data contains the empirical data or the result of simulations. The directory figures contains all the figures, both the ones generated by scripts, like plots.gp, and the ones obtained from other sources. In general, for documents preparation, adding more directories is not required. Conversely, for complex software program of collection of programs, multiple directories are often necessary.

Project status and file information

The actual version of a specific file can be found using

cvs -v status filename

where the verbose option -v is needed to retrieve information on available tags.

Historical information on all the modifications a given file undertook can be obtained with the command

cvs log filename

This command list all recent revisions of the file, together with the date at which the revision was committed, the author of the revision and the message string accompanying the commit.

Working with revisions

Each time a modified version of a file is committed, a new revision is created. As said above, revisions can be listed with the log command. If a specific revision of a file is required, simply use the -r option. For instance to compare the actual version of the file filename with its past fifth revision use

cvs diff -r 1.5 filename

To retrieve the same revision and put it in your local directory use

cvs update -r 1.5 filename

In this way the version of the file in your local directory is identical to the fifth revision of the file. By using this simple option it is possible to navigate along the entire file history, moving forward or backward. However, when a file is updated to a specific version, a sticky tag is created which forbid a normal update or commit of the same file. You can check the existence of a sticky tag for a file using the command

cvs status filename

if the files Sticky Tag is set to (none), the file is free from sticky tag and can be normally updated (and its modification committed).

In order to release the lock created by the use of the -r option, use the option -A

cvs update -A filename

In order to revert back to an old version, you have to retrieve the old file, copy it to a new temporary file, remove the lock, copy the file back and commit the new version. Assume you want to move the file filename back to version 1.5. Do the following

cvs update -r 1.5 filename
mv filename filename_old
cvs update -A filename
mv filename_old filename
cvs commit -m "reverting to version 1.5" filename

Tagging not copying

A project that involves distribute efforts from different people is likely to evolve a lot in its history. For example a paper can be sent to different journals, a presentation prepared for different audiences and a software program can undergo several releases. The point is that as long as these different versions can be considered different steps in the evolution of the same project, there is no reason to multiply the number of source files. In order to keep track of which precise version was sent to a given journal, or was included in a given release, the use of tags turns out to be very effective. When a project was created (see Starting a new project) we assigned to it an initial vendor tag 'AAA' and release tag 'aaa'. Now at a given point in time, for instance before sending the paper to a journal, you can "tag" all the file in the project with a symbolic label using the command

cvs tag tagname .

where the dot stands for all the files in the present directory and its sub-directories. Later, if the need arises to recover exactly that version, you can obtain it from the repository using the option -r with the check out command, like in

cvs checkout -r tagname projectname

You can of course need to tag a single file. In this case, just use its name instead of the dot . as in

cvs tag tagname filename

Notice that the list of available tag for a specific file can be retrieved using

cvs log filename

and looking at the list of 'symbolic names' at the beginning of the output. You can add a tag to a specific revision number using

cvs rtag -r revnum tagname filename

where revnum is a specific revision number of file filename or tag the last version of a file before a given date. For instance to tag the last version of filename in the year 2001 do

cvs rtag -D 'January,31 2001' tagname filename

Finally, if the need arises to remove a tag, you can simply remove it with

cvs tag -d tagname filename

Removing cruft

After a while, your local copy of the project can contain several unneeded files. For instance auxiliary files created by (La)TeX program, or backup copies of files generated by the editor in use. It is possible to remove all the files not in the project with a simple shell command

rm `cvs update | gawk '{if($1=="?") print $2 }' `

Before doing it, please remember to commit all the changes, or newly added files will be lost!

Handling large data files

Projects sometimes contain large database files. These files are usually generated once and kept unchanged during the various revision of the project. Moreover, it is likely that they are maintained and prepared independently from the actual project and stored somewhere else. On the one hand, their dimension makes them unsuitable to be inserted directly in the CVS repository. On the other hand, since one wants to be sure to work on the last version of the data files, some mechanism should be put in place to keep track of the database version. These two requirements can be fulfilled in the following way

  • do not put the files in the repository. Instead describe their original source (where they come from) and how to generate them in the appropriate README file. Please remember that the generation procedure should also provide the names for the final files.
  • once the files have been generated, compute their checksum signature and put it in a file

    md5sum namefiles >> data.checksum
  • copy the file data.checksum in the data sub-directory of the CVS project. Add it to the repository

    cvs add data/data.checksum

Now any user who is able to obtain the data files can copy them in the data folder, and check if the obtained files are correct using the command

md5sum -c data.checksum

in the data directory.

Of course, if for some reason the data files have to be modified, the information in data.checksum should be changed accordingly. In particular, remember that decompressing a file and compressing it again with tools like gzip or bzip, does in general change its checksum. In this case it is probably better to store the checksum of the uncompressed file in data.checksum and perform the check on it.

To avoid the removal of data files by the cruft removal script in Removing cruft you have to tell CVS that these files should be ignored. Simply add their names in the .cvsignore file of the directory that contains them

echo "namefiles" >> data/.cvsignore

and add .cvsignore to the repository.


I know that young researchers are typically impatient and feel the time spent in the organization of the sources and the description of the process that transforms these sources in the final objects as wasted. I might reply that I can't think of a time better spent. This is a Universal Truth, but it is possible that many will disagree with me. In any case, on our server we will implement a very effective method to protect you from yourself: when a project is found that contains unnecessary files, or lack necessary files, it will be simply removed from the repository and the last contributor will be asked to fix the issue.

Author: Giulio Bottazzi

Created: 2023-09-14 Thu 16:45
